Moore Photos
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2002 Hunt Photos

2003 Hunt Photos

2003 Bear hunt

2004 Hunt Photos

New Polaris Quads

David A. Moore

Northern Arizona 2005

Grand Canyon

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Dune buggies


California Adventure 2002

Mary & Melissa at B.O.B.

Mom & Mary on the Camp Verde Train

Mom & her vicious dog Lexus

A day at the dog show


Mary looking for her Elk in unit #8

It's a Small World 2002

Snowing at Disneyland 2002

Justin Ballards wedding 12/28/02, Good Luck !

Bride, Groom & Family

Mark, always looking...

Mary caught another LUNKER

IOJD campout 2003

Thats more like it...

Our Bajas first trip out.

Pictures just don't do justice

Melanie fighting a virtual 8 pound bass

Melissa doing the same at the I.S.E.